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Veterinarian, Brent Price returns to the family farmhouse left to him by his grandmother, only to discover that something paranormal is underfoot. Sinister serial killing in the town below reveals itself to him in subconscious flashes and he begins to believe he could be the killer.


After meeting a local rancher’s niece, Alyssa, he finds himself falling in love and desperate to get to the bottom of the visions. Little does he know that his link to the killer has made Alyssa the next target. A wild chase through Nightworld Shadows with a killer on her tail, a race for destiny and a family secret may destroy Bent’s hope for happiness.

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In this delightful peek into a life lived down a shady, Georgia lane, Coldiron paints a vivid if not hilarious portrait of inspiration and lunacy that in some odd way balances itself out. Truly a healthy smattering of southern fried fun with a side of grit to go around! Like Lewis Grizzard and Ray Stevens before her, there's a new kid in the back woods!

Grit~ n. - Indomitable spirit; determination; fortitude
Grits~ n. - a bleached hominy ground and cooked twenty minutes, served hot. A dish commonly served in the south.

Somewhere in the middle of that, Coldiron has found her niche in the world.


Ancient civilizations believed that beneath the fa§ade of human behavior lived a wicked creature, its razor-sharp teeth tearing through the mind fodder we fed upon and placated others with. They held that no amount of persuasion, neither from gods or otherwise, could deter a man once the beast was accepted,—his will acted out.


In the not so far reaches of Coldiron's mind live terrors that hunt in broad daylight and run rampant through her dreams; the beasties that convey her deepest, darkest thoughts with sharp, white fangs gnashing together in the hope of consuming all who survey them up close.


Consider this fair warning. Keep emergency contact numbers close at hand while partaking of these dark and wicked creatures of the mind, or prepare for the fallout.



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©2023 by Veronica Coldiron

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